Ladies and Gentlemen, Damens and Herons!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Damens and Herons! I am excited to announce today that we will be back in Europe starting late November and into December for a run of headlining shows as well as some incredible support shows! It has been an exciting 18 months for us and I couldn't think of a better way to close out the year than to get back to Europe and see everyone again.

Some of the cities will be new to us, but for the most part we will be playing the cities where we met when I was supporting Dave Hause last November, and then Chuck Ragan and the Camaraderie in May and June. Those tours were experiences that I will never forget and I'm looking forward to this tour and seeing you guys again. I will be bringing the Northcote guys to do these shows as a full band, including Canada's brightest shining rock and roller My Stephen. The dates are listed below, and we'll have a few shows to add next week so stay tuned.

Tickets will be on sale tomorrow, so keep checking the TOUR section for the links.

Thanks guys, Matt